Growing Your Business Through eLearning

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The key to building your small business without upsetting your work/life balance? eLearning!

As a small business owner you are probably all too familiar with the struggle of balancing your work life with your personal life. Trying to market your brand yourself can be a costly and complicated affair and can often leave small business owners feeling out of their depth, stressed and exhausted. If you feel that you need to learn more about an effective and easier way to market your brand, product or service, but you’re not sure that you have the time to spare to commit to a course then look no further! E-learning can benefit you massively and here are some reasons how:

  • eLearning is such an important resource for people who feel they simply don’t have the time or money to lose out on a day’s work to attend a course because it allows you to learn on your own time.
  • eLearning is especially helpful for parents who have the added pressure of school runs and working around their children: with eLearning you could learn whilst they are swimming/footballing/book clubbing etc, so no need to miss out on spending quality time with them.
  • eLearning is also extremely useful for people who prefer to work at their own pace – as a small business owner you know when you’re busiest and when you have quiet moments, there is no reason why you can’t learn periodically when you have a free moment instead of working to someone else’s schedule.
  • If you commute on public transport this is also another time you could be utilising by learning. eLearning encourages business owners to maximise their productivity in a sustainable way.

Why social media and online marketing?

Social media is used by millions of people everyday so this is a huge resource for business to hack into! It’s important to pick the right type platform for your market, and these courses can help you identify what is best for you. One of the best aspects of marketing using social media is that it is mostly free and you can reach out to so many potential clients and customers if you have an effective strategy.

So by this point you’re probably screaming at your screen: WHERE CAN I SIGN UP?! Well you’ve come to the right place. We are offering 3 levels of learning with over 12 months of Online Marketing education that is entirely appropriate for small business owners or an office junior who needs some extra upskilling; who ultimately is looking to make the most of social media! The best part is that you don’t even have to leave the sofa to do it! Simply log on and learn in your own time. All for just £99 per month.

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Shoo Social Media is here to help busy business owners that don’t have time to manage their Social Media Platforms. We know that Social Media is a noisy place! We help you to keep it personalised and simple!

Rachel Hatfield has an extensive career in the meetings and events industry for the last 15 years including a BA (hons) in International Hospitality Business Management from Leeds Beckett University and MSc International Conference Management from Sheffield Hallam University.

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