Bradford Nightstop

Bradford Nightstop
01274 776888

Bradford Nightstop provides free emergency accommodation for young homeless people in the homes of trained volunteers or in a room at a local hostel. Our accommodation is for one night at a time. Young People are provided with an evening meal and the chance of a bath or a shower. We provide basic toiletries and socks and underwear whenever possible. How do you get to your hosts? Your referral agency will discuss travel arrangements with you. You will be provided with bus fare or train fare or a taxi will be paid for you. Once you get to the host’s house or the hostel you will be offered something to eat and drink and the chance to have a bath or shower. You may be able to watch television, choose to be alone in your room or talk to your hosts. If you smoke, you will usually be asked to go outside. You may not smoke in your room.

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Steve Taylor


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